Community Impact
Jillian Weatherford’s community involvement has made a significant impact in Summerville, SC. From municipal government as a Town of Summerville Planning Commissioner, Trustee for Bethany United Methodist and Board President for The ARK of South Carolina, using her talents and time for the greater good is of upmost importance.
Giving Back
Jillian Weatherford believes in the importance of giving back to the community. She actively supports local charities, civic organizations and her local church.
Community Outreach
Jillian Weatherford engages in community outreach programs to address the needs of the Summerville community. She is dedicated to creating a better future for her children and fellow Lowcountry neighbors.
Community Service
Jillian Weatherford is actively involved in various community service initiatives relating to dementia and Alzheimer’s patients and families, fitness for friends and neighbors and providing funds and service for those who need a hand. Jillian knows it isn’t helping “if” someone needs assistance, but “when” because we all need sometimes!
Community Service Projects
Jillian Weatherford has participated in numerous community service projects, including volunteering at The ARK, food packing for local high school pantries, litter cleanup, Habitat for Humanity community builds, fund raising for various organizations, tutoring students in math, the list continues and will grow as it is very important to Jillian.
Community Involvement
Jillian Weatherford is dedicated to being an active member of the Summerville community. She actively serves:
Summerville Planning Commission
Summerville Methodist Church
The ARK of South Carolina
Rotary Club of Summerville